It's Boating Season Somewhere in the Country! Is your boat ready?
Posted by Ed Siok on
Are you an online entrepreneur seller? Then you need to be at ecomChicgo 2018 Conference
Posted by Richard Siok on

Boat Registration Numbers Requirements
Posted by Ed Siok on
Registering a boat is a necessary requirement for operating it legally within a state. Each state has different specifications on what types of boats, watercraft, and vessels need to be registered. Make sure to check with your individual state on registration requirements. Character Requirements: Letters & Numbers must be read from left to right. Characters must be at least Three (3) inches in height Characters must be of contrasting color to color of boatNote: if the background is multicolored or patterned, a block out area of a single color may be required to facilitate readability. Characters must be separated by...
Another Satisfied Customer
Posted by Richard Siok on